Shanti Bhavan Hostel, Mudiyoorkara

Place : Mudiyoorkara
Parish: Mudiyoorkara
Established Year: 1976
Address: Shanti Bhavan Hostel, Gandhi nagar P.O,686008, Mudiyoorkara, Kottayam
Pin: 686 008
Phone: 0481 - 2597418

With the aim of  providing accommodation facilities to the sisters coming to Kottayam Medical College for getting treatment,Shanti Bhavan Clarist Convent was set up in the Holy Family Parish, Mudiyoorkara, Kottayam in 1976. In due course of time when students studying in this college  wanted accommodation, the convents was extended to a hostel; as it is near to the Medical College. The sisters extend their full co-operation to all the activities of the parish like teaching catechism, house visits, prayer meetings, giving formation to altar boys, prayer children for first Holy Communion etc. 

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