Growing Buds

Pre-Postulants Phase -1
1.              Anjaly Varghese
2.              Juby Joppan
3.              Jobcy Anna Job
4.              Sonia Varghese
5.              Aleena Tomy 
   Name of Mistress :  Sr. Rose Mary

Pre-Postulants Phase-11
1.               Roji Antony
2.              Merin Baby
3.              Archana Thomas
4.              Aleena Lukose
5.              Elizabeth T.A
6.              Alphy Antony
7.              Merin Jose
Name of Mistress  : Sr.Anns Maria

Students  2nd Year

1.               Teena Joseph
2.              Neethu Joseph 
3.              Stephy Joseph
4.              Soumya Varghese
Name of Mistress  : Sr. Gloria

Students  1st Year

1.              Anju Varghese
2.              Ansu Antony
3.              Josmy John
4.              Josely Joseph
5.              Josly Yohannan
6.              Treesamma Thomas
Name of Mistress  : Sr. Bridgit

Novices  1st Year

1.                 Alphy Anna Antony
2.                 Asha Joseph
3.                 Binny Devasia
4.                 Jeffy Jacob
5.                 Preetha John
6.                 Rintumol Jose
7.                 Sisan James
Name of Mistress : Sr.Merin

Novices 2nd Year

1.              Merlin Mathew
2.              Merlin Kuriakose
3.              Kochurani K.S
4.              Jessina Thomas
5.              Justy Devasia 
Name of Mistress  : Sr. Jenet 

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