

As the heralds of the Gospel and following the tradition of St.Francis,our sisters carry out the task of preaching the Gospel and planting the church among the people or groups who do not yet believe in Christ.27 of our zealous missionaries are working tirelessly for spreading the Kingdom of Good in Europe and the remote and undeveloped island of Papua New Guinea. We have 4 houses and 10 sisters engaged in teaching catechetical work and assisting in pastoral ministry.Our sisters are always in a constant threat of danger as often tribal fights take place, theculture is still barbarian, people have no moral values and they can turn violent at any time. Even in the midst of this adverse situation, our sisters work boldly rendering meritorious service by loving them and trying to spread the Gospel message and working for their spiritual and material upliftment.

As a part of our missionary activity in developed countries,our sisters are working in hospitals, old age homes and night shelter in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain We have our own convents in Spain. They attend to the sick and suffering, and the terminally ill They prepare them to receive the sacraments and give counselling to the needed. They also conduct prayer meetings for the women. We are grateful to the Lord that our province has given birth to two mission provinces- Maria Matha Province Hazaribagh and San Joe Province Thuckaly spreading the fragrance of the Gospel.

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